Friday, April 2, 2010

#20 - Spiral Entertainment Party - OYSTERFEST

As I woke up a gazillion Saturday mornings ago, I was greeted by two beautiful inches of Atlanta snow. After frolicking for half a second, I snuggled up with a cup of coffee and called up my besties to see what the plan was for the weekend. Come to find out, I was expected to be at Oysterfest at Park Tavern, with $20 in hand for entry and a smile of my face because....IT'S OFFICIALLY FESTIVAL SEASON IN ATLANTA!! Needless to say I got my festival face on and headed down to Naniels and walked over to PT for one of the first Spiral Entertainment festivals of the year!

Park Tavern is an ideal venue for such a gathering....warm and fuzzy bar inside with plenty of bartenders to keep you warm with "Hot Totties" or whatever it is you're feeling at the moment. Since the weather was still North Pole-esk, they had plenty of tents and bars set-up throughout the event. Need a drink? Do a 180 and you've already run into six smiling faces ready to fill your cup.

Outside we had oysters, oysters and more oysters. But we spent little to no time at because...let's face was 30 degrees outside.

Before long we ran into Tommy Hanson, pitcher for the Braves. For the record, he is the tallest ginger I've ever seen, and blends in quite well. Well done Tommy, you did not fit the stereotype of Braves players out on the town. Here is your visual; since I was 2.5 feet away I could not stalk him without it being awkward. Oops.

As late afternoon became dusk, we moseyed inside onto the covered dance floor and got a treat for the eyes AND the ears. None other than "Nine Inch Neils"...a Neil Diamond cover band. Hilarious.

Before you knew it the night was over, and we left feeling satisfied with two celeb sightings (one quasi, of course) and an unexpected late night dance party.

If you are a local, make sure to hit up at least one Spiral Entertainment festival this Spring...they pop up all over the metro area. Just make sure you snag tickets online ASAP, prices go up quickly. Definitely a bucket list worthy afternoon/night....on to the next!